K recruited a graphic designer to work pro bono to create a logo for the stairs. K shared all the drafts that had been done by members of our group, and described our needs. The designer presented five drafts, which Karen and I then narrowed down to three options. K presented the three options last night and the group selected one to develop further. The group also provided specific feedback on possible revisions to that option.
K also presented options for the design of our acknowledgment sign. The group selected one design to pursue further (it is very simple - mainly text).
We have decided to shift our monthly meetings to the second Tuesday of the month instead of the first. K has been appointed to a Rec and Parks Advisory Committee, which meets on the first Tuesday. Also, this is better since we have our monthly work days on the first Saturday - this gives us a little time between get-togethers.
We have scheduled a Clean and Green Team work day at the garden on Saturday March 30, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. This is in addition to our regular monthly work days.
We haven't received any response from our contacts at DPW or SFPA about getting our permit for the tiling, or about trying to make sure the surface of the sidewalk is level with the new tiles. We are continuing to call and email them hoping for a response. We still hope to start tiling March 4. Andre has done yeoman's work finalizing the tile order, figuring out ways to save us money, and coordinating with the tile manufacturer and the contractor.
We started planning for our grand opening! We are looking at early May, just to be on the safe side. K volunteered to reach out to the folks we feel we "must have" at the opening, such as Supervisor Ronen and the SFPA. At future meetings we'll start making our broader guest list and making party plans.