The Community Challenge Grant (CCG) applications were posted online today and are due February 14. We are applying for a large grant, in the vicinity of $100,000.
We hear about the Carbon Fund Grant January 23rd. We applied for $51,000.
Our application for partnership/fiscal sponsorship with the SF Parks Alliance (SFPA) has been prepared and will be submitted by February 9.
We have created an online fundraising presence for us on YouCaring, along with a plan for marketing the site - this will be ready to go after we hear about the SFPA partnership (unless we decide to wait and use this toward our match for a CCG).
PUC construction signs have gone up around the area indicating that the installation of our water meter should be coming soon.
The design and specs for our tiled stairs have been formally prepared, and are being submitted to DPW for approval, and we are starting outreach to the Arts Commission as well.
If we get Carbon Fund financing, we may begin the "demo" phase of the project soon - pulling up weeds, removing debris, and so on. We are putting together a tree removal plan which they will submit to DPW for review and permitting.
As a reminder, we've already received $20,000 in add-back funds from Supervisor Ronen, and $11,800 in in-kind donations from the PUC for the water meter installation. We've incurred expenses of $3500 for installation of the backflow device associated with the water meter.