To recap recent developments: the water meter has been installed; DPW has repaired the structural damage on the stairs; we received $20,000 in a Carbon Fund Grant to purchase plants for the new garden; and our online fundraising portal is ready to go. (Thank you Andre, Karen, Peter and Whitney for all of the above!)
And here’s what’s going on now:
Our tile design has been submitted to the Arts Commission for approval - thank you Andre!
Our application for fiscal sponsorship with the SF Parks Alliance has been submitted and we hope to hear next week.
Ian is starting in on our permit applications and Ian and Jes are getting bids for work related to the trees.
Kate is getting bids for general contractors.
Our Community Challenge Grant application is being finalized and will be submitted next week. This has involved yeoman's work from Karen, who is working on the main body of the application; Sharon, who is coordinating letters of support (with assists from Doug, Anne, and Buck); and Ian, who has prepared our maintenance plan. This was a biggie, and we thank you all.
Thanks to everyone who wrote a letter of support or filled out a volunteer pledge for the CCG application, and thanks to all for your continued support for our vision of creating a safe, beautiful, clean oasis at the Tompkins Avenue Stairs!